Divisions - Where / When We Play


Children are separated into divisions based on gender and age. Boys teams bear a B and Girls teams bear a G. Each division also has the distinction of U6, U8, U10, etc. meaning Under 6, Under 8 and Under 10 corresponding to the age of the child. Girls may register to play in the Boys divisions. However, these are not co-ed divisions and mostly consist of boys. We are bound by USSF age cut-offs and we do not allow children to play up or down a division.

Field assignments are tentative and may change due to field constraints or registration numbers which make it impossible for us to do what we think is IDEAL. We do our best and will do our best to inform you of changes in a timely manner, and will update this page as soon as those changes are known.

Please understand and honor what USSF and AYSO small-sided rules and years of wisdom and experience have taught us about how many players should be on the field for a particular age group. We marry that number with the right sized field to give all of our kids the best soccer learning experience that we can. In other words, please do not allow or support the interest of some to put more kids on the field than is prescribed here. If needed, a team can put less players on the field, but never more. Field and team sizes may differ from AYSO, USSF or FIFA rules. In WSSL, we do it the best way we can given what we have in terms of registration numbers, fields and permits. Thanks for understanding!

For Fall only, WSSL also has a EPIC Division for children with mental and physical disabilities. Children in the EPIC Division are of all ages.

**Please note that B19 and G19 are "high school" divisions and WSSL does not permit players enrolled in college to play. 

Spring 2025 field assignments

Fall 2024 field assignments