League Leadership Opportunities

League Volunteers 

The Board also needs volunteers to help it with the Herculean task of managing this league. Some jobs are seasonal, some ongoing, some big, some small. Big jobs include Division Head or Chief Referee, others include helping with training registration, in person registration, photo day or equipment deliveries. If you are interested and willing, we will find a good job for you that will be very meaningful to the league. 

Currently, WSSL is looking for the following League volunteers to fill vacant positions or to take over for volunteers who will vacate their positions in the next year or so.

Volunteer Role


time commitment

Core Uniform Manager Orders all uniforms for Core Minimal
Registrar Support
Assist with registration functions, including checking proof of age Medium

Awards Manager 

Order trophies/medals


Sponsorship Manager
Help to secure and manage corporate sponsors for WSSL Minimal
Tournament Program

Oversee the WSSL tournament program, including rosters and  registrations


Social Media Manager Help WSSL maintain and oversee its facebook, instagram and twitter accounts Minimal 


Join the WSSL Board

Fill out an application to join the WSSL Board of Directors! Upon receipt of an application, the nominating committee will review the application and may set up an interview. Board positions are filled based on vacancies.