Referee Resources

West Side Soccer League - Guides for Referees

Incident Report Form

For any incident or accident on the field during a West Side Soccer League game or practice, related parties need to fill out an Incident Form. The form should be filled out by a Referee, Coach or other WSSL volunteer (like the Safety Director or Division Head) for any of the following:

  1. Injuries
  2. Incidents -- threats
  3. Incidents -- fighting -- any type
  4. Property damage
  5. Law enforcement summoned

The Laws of the Game

Periodically the Laws of the Game are updated by the International Football Association Board. A summary of the changes may be viewed here.

The complete Laws may be found at:

AYSO Publications

  • Official referee information on the AYSO wiki, including:
    • AYSO Referee Guideline
    • AYSO National Referee Program Manual
    • Youth Referee Manual
    • Annual Referee Update
    • Subscribe to Whistle Stop: A fun weekly email with Referee tips and quizzes

US Soccer Federation Publications

Other Useful Websites

    For Division Chief Referees